Its Me Ma

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The next morning.....

Organizing a party is no mean task. Man, we were so pooped. Putting together the guest list, food, drinks, invites,etc..etc takes a lot of hard work and planning. And I am so glad I was there to hold their hand and encourage them when things got rough. U know this is the first time they were doing it. And am I a proud baby. They did a pretty good job. Kudos to ma & pa. I had the bestest party ever.

Guests at my b'day bash

Doesn't it look like it's papa's party. he def. looks like one happy kid.

Amazing balloon lady. She made some neat balloons.



and more people.

Finally!!! My party snaps

And here they are (drum rolls). By popular demand (Got so many requests for the pics) . Feels good to be loved. Keep it coming, b**y (Have to watch my language else one nice phat on my diaper clad bottom). Ain't my b'day cake pretty? Ma & Pa sure seem happy at my b'day party. I was a good boy and didn't trouble them at all.