Its Me Ma

Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunny side up

C'mon mom. I want the camera too. How am I going to polish my photo taking techniques if u don't give it to me. Just this once, please. Ok guys u have to convince my folks to loan me the camera once in a while.

Mogambo khush hua

Me again!! Happy as can be. Taking care of those long locks was quite a task. Now I'm free as a bird, though I do miss my hair.

Bald & Beautiful

Hi recognise me. It's Sanil. So how do u think I look w/o my beautiful locks. Cool na?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Jhanak Jhanak Payal Baje.....

Careful papa. Nice & slow.
Oops! Almost lost it.

That's better. Balance to dekho. Not to worry everything is under control. Now watch closely. Don't even blink.

Tada!!! Neat na. Posted by Picasa

Your very own Obi-Wan Kenobi

Ok, I got the looks and the outfit . Now where's my lightsaber & jedi starfighter papa? Posted by Picasa

Hi Amma

Hi Amma, See I can sit on my own. Mummy is so relieved. I've made life a little more easier for her. Ain't I the model child. Aim in life is to make mommy happy ;) ;) (hee!!! heee!!!)