Its Me Ma

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

We are home alone!!!

Dad and me are home alone and we are having a wild party. Pssst dont tell mummy. We dont want her getting upset now do we.

Where's the Baby gone?

I love playing "Where's the Baby gone?" and "Hide-and-Seek". I am gonna hide now. Try and find me.....

"1,2,3...Up" says Maj.Simba

Meet my drill seargant cum personal trainer, Major Simba. He makes sure I do my exercise routine everyday. Papa says I'm going to need all the stamina when I grow up.

Monday, April 10, 2006

B'day Kisses

Enough, enough Simba. Thank u for the wishes & kisses (hey, it rhymes) I love u too.

Sshhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm undercover

(In whispers) Hello Everybody, Meet Sanil 009. He'd like his milk shaken not stirred.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Future Olympian????

Do u think they can add a category of 'holding feet' at the next Olympics? I can hold onto mine for quite sometime.

Mr. Drooler

Yup, that's me. Keeps mummy busy (wiping my mouth and hands) . That's papa playing horsey with me. U know making sure they get their daily exercise.

Chilling Out

All cleaned up, fed and ready for the night. No party animal I am. Just thought would pose for my mom until I hit the sack. Nighty, Nighty everyone.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Its Tummy Time Again

Whats up with my mom always putting me on my tummy? I was doing just fine on my back. Come to think of it this aint all that bad.