Its Me Ma

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Adventures of Sanil and Pooh

Mommy can we get Pooh a bouncer too. There just isnt place for both of us here.

My 4th month birthday bash

Anyone who was someone was at my 4 month birthday bash last week. If you werent there ... too bad you missed it. It was one swell party. I had all of my buddies over and we rocked the house that night. Sorry no adults allowed.

Adventures of Sanil and Pooh... to be continued

My mommy baked this really awesome cake for my birthday. What can I say ... doesnt get any better than this.

Hey Pooh who's the birthday boy. You or me.....hand over the cake buster.

Now thats better. You are lucky I didnt rough you up. Things could have gotten ugly around here. You'll have to wait to get you piece. Get in line like everyone else.

Now thats what I am talking about. Mmmmmm delicious. Just melts in my mouth. Thank you mommy.