Its Me Ma

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Yipeeee its the WEEKEND!!!

Welcome back!!! How have y'all been doing? Its the weekend. A very welcome break after the long hectic week. Guess I'll just kick back my legs and chill this weekend.
I am going to turn 4 months old pretty soon. I should talk to my parents about a sweet "4 months old" party. Now when was the last time I went to a party...... cant recollect, must have been a while back.
You guys take care and have a swell weekend.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Meet the Parents

Thank God there is no Ben Stiller in this picture. I would have totally flipped.
Thats my Mummy aka "Boo-t-ful mommy" and thats my Daddy. We finally got a family pic. I tell you its takes so much effort to get them to sit down for a pic. Wonder who would have taken care of them if I wasnt around.

The Sleeping Giant

Keep it down guys I am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzleeeeeeeeeeping.

Watch Out Maradona

I think I should seriously take up soccer as a sport. Check out my bicycle kick. Here I go ........ bham right into the goal. I'll give the guys at Manchester United a call as soon as I figure how to make a call.
Now what can I get with my first paycheck - Dad always wanted a beamer....

My Crib Pals

I have bunch of pals who play with me at sleep time. They are all close relatives of my other pals. Let me introduce Jumbo Jr, Chimpu Jr, Stanley Jr and Ghoda the Horsey.
I wonder how my parents came up with all these names. Goes to show how creative they are (really......)

Meet my friends

In the left corner weighing less than one pound is Chimpu the monkey. On the top weighing more than a ton is Jumbo the elephant. Right next to him none other than Stanley the GIIIIIIIIRAAAAAAAFEEEEEEE. And last but not the least is the PPPPAAAARRRRRRROOOOOTTTTTTT with NO NAMEEEEEEEE.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Me with Red Dog

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Amma, Ajja & Mallammu !!!! Doondta hi raha main tumhe raat din

I miss you so much.

Home at last. With Ajja & Amma

Ladies!! Feast your eyes

Yummy!!Yummy!!Yummy!! Juice in my tummy

Saturday, February 04, 2006

The names Shetty.....Sanil Shetty

Hey hey how have y'all been ? Well I have had a very hectic couple of months now. I am gonna set off on my road trip once I get my hands on my brand noo passport. Yup!!! I am going to get one in 6 weeks.
I also got my shots couple of weeks back. 4 of them in fact - didn't hurt a bit. Bring it on doc!!!